A Few Quick Tales
Yesterday I announced to Geof that I was going to take a shower and he replied, "Thank you!" What a little stinker!
I was stopped at a red light the other day waiting to turn right. Usually I would go but at this particular intersection it's difficult to see what's coming from the left so I waited for the light to change. Some dipshit behind me lays on the horn. This is the embarrassing part...I got all ghetto/redneck and yell out the window, "I can't see what's coming and I'm not about to risk my child's life so you can get somewhere 2 minutes faster, asshole!! I never do that but damn if it didn't feel good!! I was so pissed off that I was shaking. Looking back I feel like the asshole. Oh well, we all have our days.
Our gladiolus are blooming and it is really pretty around here lately. The tomatoes are looking awesome and I'm foaming at the mouth to eat one, but they're all still green. When he was younger, Nathaniel worked on a tomato farm in southern Illinois. He's the tomato expert/grower. Since he's taken this truck driving job, I've become the master gardener around here. And if I do say so myself things look MAH-VELOUS!!
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