Friday, July 22, 2005


We're getting the hell out of Dodge...where the heck did that expression come from anyway? My mom is coming to pick us up this evening after she gets off from work. We'll be visiting with them for the week. I'm really looking forward to it. I called up my friends who are still around there and set up a few playdates for Geof and a few for myself. I think we both need a little vacation.

Nathaniel just called and said that he was sent to Laredo Texas and got to feel the wrath of hurricane Emily. It was mostly rain, nothing too exciting. I think he's in Dallas now and he said it's hotter than hell there. He's headed for Cincinnati today. Cincinnati...I like that name.

I felt all Rosie Riviter-ish yesterday. The car has been acting up lately. Nothing that has left us stranded. I think something is up with the power steering. I checked the fluid levels and it was fine, though. I just hope it holds out a little longer....geez, we'd really be fucked if it gave out. I refilled the wiper fluid, checked the oil, the transmission fluid, and the coolant. All were right where they needed to be. Also the past several days we've been getting really heavy rains that only last about 30-45 minutes. The rain water has eaten away at the dirt on either side of the road creating a huge ditch directly in front of my driveway and and about an 18 in deep trench in front of the mailbox. I went out last night and filled in all the holes with dirt and gravel and used some bigger rocks to redirect the flow of water. We're on the down slope of a hill so by the time the run off gets to us it's moving pretty swiftly. I'm hoping that we'll get another downpour before we leave so I can see if my work was worth it. Geof got to help of course and was absolutely thrilled about it. He woke up this morning talking about how he fixed the car and driveway. Just like a man, letting the woman do the grunt work while he gets all the glory!! LOL!!!

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Blogger Deneen said...

Have a great time, you deserve it!

I told you, you're stonger than you know.

July 22, 2005 4:38 PM  

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