I'm Baaack
I don't think too much has really happened since I was last able to post. Geof and I both have colds. I had seriously thought I was pregnant until Captain Bloodsnatch came into port. (that's how Nathaniel refers to my monthly) My cycle is like a clock (25-27 days) and I was a day late. Could be because of the cold or the fact that my weird skin thing is back. Who knows.
Fall is here. The nights are getting cooler and I love it!! We transplanted some mums to the front of the house this spring and they are gimongous and gorgeous. Geof and I bought a Halloween costume for him today. Spiderman all the way! Nathaniel won't be home for Halloween this year so Geof and I will head down to see my parents. This will be Geof's first year actually trick-or-treating. Usually we just visit our neighbors. I have 3 younger cousins that I'm hoping will let us tag along who live near my parents.
I guess that's all the news. I'm off to take a little nap.
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