Geof gifted me with a black eye on Thanksgiving. I had raked up a huge pile of leaves for my younger cousins and Geof...(and me) to jump into. Geof had been playing with a child-sized shovel made of metal...very hard metal. I told him to put it away while we played in the leaves. I gave to go ahead for everyone to jump in and chaos ensued. I was having fun throwing leaves at everyone and being the cool big cousin. All of the sudden I hear this thud followed by the sensation that my face was caving in just above my left eye. I knew instantly that Geof had hit me with the shovel. I ran away from the leaf pile holding my eye. My favoritest uncle looked at me and said that everything was still there but that I was bleeding. I went inside to wash up, compose myself, and check the damages. Geof followed saying, "I'm really sorry, Mommy!" "I'm so sorry" "I kiss it make it better" My rage melted and he planted a huge wet kiss on my eyebrow. How could I be mad? It was an accident and he was sincerely sorry. I had a cut above my eye and a knot that kept moving around. Nothing obviously broken. Now I have a wicked black eye and my pride is a bit bruised because I got my ass kicked by a 2 year old. No one ever told me that Motherhood was such a dangerous occupation!
What I see in the mirror...
Thanksgiving was at my aunt and uncles house. Not as good as when my mom has it, but at least she got to relax this year....thus allowing me to relax.
While at visiting my parents I was able to scan in some recent they are for your viewing pleasure....
Geof...I mean Spiderman!
A tomato that my Dad grew...just in time for Halloween!!
In other news...
My life and the lives of the people in my little family are about to dramatically change...eventually for the better, I'm hoping. I am choosing not to go into detail because it is extremely personal and painful and I'd like to keep it private. My blogging habits may change and they may not, this is just a heads up for any faithful readers out there. On that note, I wish you all happy holidays, take care, and I'll see you on the flipside!
I hope everything works out for the best for all of you...And I hope that eye gets better soon!
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