The News of the Day
In lighter news, Yanni was arrested on Friday. How funny is that? I'm not saying that domestic violence is anything to laugh about, but I never thought Yanni would be involved in such a thing. You never know!
And finally, today is my 24th anniversary of my birth. I got a gift card to WalMart in the mail today so that's where Geof and I were this afternoon. Here's what I treated myself to...gallon of milk, wastebasket, face scrub, scotch brite sponges (call me weird, but I love the way they smell right out of the package!), a good lint brush, and 2 light bulbs. Exciting stuff, no? I was going to buy some yarn or knitting needles or one of those round knitting looms, but didn't have any luck. Geof and I also ate lunch at the Chinese restaurant nearby. Tasty!
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