It's January 23, 2007 and I am still a non-smoker. So far so good, but right now I would love to have a cigarette. It's been 23 days, when do the cravings stop or is this something I'm going to have to live with? Ugh, "just one puff," that's all my brain tells me I want but I know if I smoke one cigarette I'll end up smoking an entire pack and all this will be for nothing. Damn you nicotine! On the plus side it's nice to taste food again, and smell the rain, and move without getting winded. I could get used to this. By the way, have you ever wondered what was in a cigarette? Wonder no more..
Good for you-I was wondering and didn't want to bring it up.
Great job on quitting smoking! I have not been a smoker but have always lived with smokers. In fact under the right stress I actually have cravings for a cigarette. Strange huh? Well all these smokers are now former smokers and they say you always want one. Good luck to you. Just look back at your little diagram when you are feeling weak. That is a very powerful visual!
I quit when I got pregnant last year. Sometimes I dream I am smoking and it is so real! I still fight the urge nearly everyday. For some people over time they say the want of a smoke goes away. For me, not true. I quit once years before and every single day I wanted one. It was when I went through my divorce that I picked them again. If I hadn't been pg and so very sick with the morning sickness that lasted all day long I might still be a smoker. I am not trying to drag you down just being honest about my situation with quitting smoking. Hang in there. I can only advise taking it one day at a time just like you have been doing the past 23 days.
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