Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The Merriam-Webster website defines "intuition" with the following...
Main Entry: in·tu·i·tion
Pronunciation: "in-tü-'i-sh&n, -tyü-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English intuycyon, from Late Latin intuition-, intuitio act of contemplating, from Latin intuEri to look at, contemplate, from in- + tuEri to look at
1 : quick and ready insight
2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
The part that reads, "immediate apprehension" is ringing loud and clear today. Geof and I returned from taking Nathaniel up to the truck stop this morning and I had an overwhelming feeling that I shouldn't drive too much today, particularly near a certain intersection close to home. I had no idea why, but the vibes felt a bit off. I kept seeing us getting T-boned or rear ended at the intersection. As soon as we got in the door my phone rang, it was Nathaniel asking if we could bring his cell phone to him because he had forgotten to get it. No problem, I put the thoughts of disaster out of my mind and took his phone to him. On our way home I was almost side swiped twice in town, then I went through the dreaded intersection. I was waiting to turn left behind another car. The car in front turned and I followed, then the asshole stops to chat with another driver waiting to turn right leaving me stuck out in the middle of the road right in front of on coming traffic!!!!! I was livid. Luckily both drivers realized this before anything bad happened. I'm still shaking and pissed. I had planned to go shopping today and take Geof to Toys R Us but I think we'll just stay home instead. I'm not taking any chances today.

photo courtesy of corbis.com


Blogger Jay said...

It's eerie how the universe was trying to protect you. I bet you'll listen more vigilantly next time.

February 21, 2007 5:47 AM  

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