A Note From The Woman Behind The Curtain
"Our blog advertising service is setup for bloggers and online journal writers to earn revenue/income from their online blog/journal in an easy to use, simple and effective system. It is free to register your blog and add your blog to the system for approval. Once approved, your blog goes into the assignment queue. The blogsvertise administrator then assigns writing tasks for what our advertisers want you to mention in your blog. You don't have to endorse the website product/service, just mention it in your blog and link to the advertiser website 3 times in your entry."I've been asked to plug online gaming sites mostly, but I never wrote about them because well, they were dumb. Then I was asked to plug the wedding site so I did and that was the subject of the last post. I'm not sure if I'll be paid for it or not. That assignment was supposed to pay $5 after 30 days, but I think I have to provide my social security number first, and I'm very leery about giving that information out freely. We'll see. Just wanted to explain. In the future, if you see a post with a label that reads "plug", just keep in mind that I was paid to do it. Does that make me a blogging whore?
If you're interested in checking out some pay-per-post sites, here are some others I've found that seem to be more credible than most. Sign up at your own risk, I'm just sharing here, please do not consider it a gun to your head.
Blogvertise - emails sent to you with assignments you can accept or decline. payment made via verified paypal account 30 days after your blog entry is approved. SSN required for tax purposes.
Associated Content * - write an original 400-10,000 word article on something you are familiar with (baseball, crochet, cooking, etc). emails sent to you with content ideas and special offers. SSN required for tax purposes.
Blogitive * - once approved to the Blogitive system, you are given access to opportunities from companies to post about their news releases. you are paid per posting weekly via paypal.
Blogads * - haven't figured this one out yet
* = I do not have first-hand experience with this site/company
Labels: NOT a plug
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