Thursday, March 15, 2007

Holy Shrinking Fat Pants, Batman!!

I sort of expected it and decided not to beat myself up over it should it happen, but it still sucks. Quitting smoking was my one and only resolution for this year and so far, so good. As you can see by my nifty little quitting widget thingy over there-----> I've not smoked 1,472.99 cigarettes, which translates to 7.36495 cartons or 73.6495 packs . That's a lot!! The only real "side effect" I've noticed is some weight gain. I don't own a bathroom scale so I can't give an exact number, but I'm guessing somewhere along the lines of 10lbs, give or take. File this next part in the TMI category, but I'm sitting here in my "fat pants" and I had to unbutton them to be more comfortable!! ACK!! My bloaty-ness could also be due to the impending arrival of Auntie Flo, but she's definitely not entirely to blame. I used to be able to take these pants off without unbuttoning them! Double Ack!! I'm not complaining, really. I'd rather be fat than dead. At least I have the lung power to actually get up and do something about it!


Blogger Deneen said...

Congrats on quitting!

One of the reasons I "can't" quit, is fear of weight gain.

Supposedly, the nicotine speeds up the metabolism and stopping smoking causes a weight gain, even if your eating habits don't change. 10 lbs isn't bad, probably normal for your age/metabolism rate.

I admit, I am envious as hell (about quitting, not weight gain!)

March 15, 2007 7:33 PM  

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