Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Did I Mention That I Hate Late Night Calls?

I'm blogging this because my mind is going 100 miles an hour and I need an outlet. I got one of those calls tonight. This time my Dad was on the other line telling me that Mom was in the hospital. Any regular readers out there know that it's usually the other way around.

He told me that they were outside doing some yard work this evening. Mom was weed eating when Dad noticed that she set the weed eater down and sort of stumbled forward. When he got to her he asked what was wrong and she said that she just had a sudden, intense pain in the back of her head. She also said that her left foot felt heavy and that she was seeing auras around everything. The whole "seeing auras" thing was the red flag that told Dad to get Mom to the hospital. They were off. This was about 7:30pm, Dad called me at 9:45pm. Diagnosis: a blood vessel burst in her brain. He told me he would call again when he had more to report.

Right now it's 12:04am and I'm still trying to soak this all in. She was flown to Asheville at 10:45pm. Asheville has a bigger hospital with neuro people and equipment to deal with cases like this. Dad also said in his last phone call that she was hemorrhaging from the base of her brain which they were able to see via a CAT scan at the hospital they came from.

The plan for tomorrow is for Geof and I to head down to pick up my Dad and spend the day at the hospital. I have a love/hate relationship with this hospital. It's the same hospital in which I watched my sister die, and where Geof was born. I really hope this "adventure" has a happy ending. My gut says that it's going to be ok. Dad said that Mom never lost consciousness and was able to walk into the ER...she even refused a wheelchair!

As things stand at this time, she's been given meds for pain and nausea. My uncle who lives in Asheville was able to meet her soon after the helicopter landed. He reported that she looks like she always does except for the IVs and such. She was able to talk to him and ask about everyone. That makes me feel a ton better. Still, this is some scary shit. My Mom is my rock and I'm not ready to.......well, I just really like having her around.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep your chin up love. I will send positive thoughts across the oceans to you and your family. It sounds good that she was able to walk into the hospital unassisted.

Keep us updated


April 26, 2007 12:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*hugs* Will keep you all in my thoughts!

April 26, 2007 5:52 AM  
Blogger Deneen said...

I will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts. Keep up the positive thinking too-it really makes a difference.

April 26, 2007 7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope everything is okay! Let me know if you need anything at all. I'm only an hour away!


May 02, 2007 10:57 PM  

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