My Mom finally went back to work this past Monday. She has recovered beautifully from her most recent surgery, obviously. Not to sound selfish in any sort of way but I'm paranoid now every time I get a headache. From what the doctor's have said aneurysms aren't exactly hereditary, but the concern is still there. She's one of the lucky ones. Damn lucky, too. I worry about her and Dad too. Any call from them raises the hairs on my neck anymore. I worry about her driving alone or with Dad and I really worry about their stress levels. She sat down a few nights ago and totaled up all of her medical expenses so far. Are you ready for this? Her bills are over $140,000. Fortunately everyone from the doctor's to the hospital have been more than willing to work with her so I'm sure when it's all said and done her out-of-pocket expenses will be much less, but I know it bothers them both. They don't like owing anybody anything and I can't blame them for it. Too bad there aren't any wealthy relatives about to kick the bucket!
Medical expenses suck-didn't they have insurance coverage or is this above the insurance (nosy question, doesn't need an answer).
Thank goodness it all turned out well-
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