Growing up I'd always heard the phrase, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" I'm sure we've all heard it, but I never realized that they weren't mythical creatures! Nasty buggars! This past summer we had yet another flea infestation thanks to my mother-in-law's cats. She watched our cat and kid for us while Nathaniel and I were out on the road and both of them came home with fleas. Great. Anyway in my search for remedies I ran across numerous sites that also discussed bed bugs and how to get rid of them. One in particular is totally devoted to the killing of
bed bugs. Apparently they can live in almost any little crack or crevice and even the seams on mattresses. Unfortunately the only way to rid a house that has been infested is to hand things over to the professionals. Talk about a pain! As much as I've complained about the flea problem we've had the last 2 years I'd take them over bed bugs any day!
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