Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Snip Snip

The day I've been dreading since I was pregnant with Geof is fast approaching and there's nothing I can do about it. Nathaniel has opted to get a vasectomy. Without going into detail and dragging up things I'd like to leave in the past, his decision did not come as a surprise. I've been living in denial since he first mentioned it over 4 years ago. Apparently guys can't get clipped until they are at least 25 years old. Nathaniel's 25th birthday was in January. He had an appointment yesterday with our family doctor to get the referral to a urologist. They called this morning and are ready to snip away! Eager beavers! I'm not happy with all of this but I am trying my best to be supportive of his decision. What makes it hardest is that I've got my own biological clock screaming bloody murder in one ear and the voice of compassion and reason screaming in the other. He knows how I feel but this is something he feels strongly about so I'll do what it takes to get through it.

Growing up I always felt sorry for people with one child. I'd always imagined having 3 or 4 kids running around myself. Happy chaos 24/7. We've talked about adopting or even fostering kids so there's a ray of hope I guess. I guess divorce is another option but that seems a bit radical, plus I do kinda like the guy! So, I'm in a bit of a funk here. Nathaniel said he's going to schedule the procedure for sometime in November. I'm sure I'll be more of a basket case as D-day nears...fair warning. For now I'm just taking it all in and looking forward to the hoard of grandchildren that Geof will give me!


Blogger Deneen said...

I don't want to say anything here-I really don't, it sure as hell isn't my place to. I see where you are coming from and understand.

The only child thing, I have heard for years now "It's a shame you only had one", etc and my answer is now-You know, I could have had none and I'm lucky to have Elena-that shuts em right up.

I often feel guilty about her not having a sib-she does fine, has a terrific imagination and in all honesty, the sib I have-it's just not a good situation at all.

October 10, 2007 12:06 PM  
Blogger Marvie said...

B is an only, and there's nothing wrong with that. He seems quite happy with it at this point. Especially after spending last summer with friends who had two kids. He learned right quick he was happy as an only ;)

{{{Hugs}}} I hope it all works out...

October 10, 2007 1:54 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

I love the cartoons. Too funny.

Well you've got a good one, even if he is your one and only.

I think we may stop at one too. I've always thought I'd want to have 2 but the pregnancy, labor and delivery were pretty tramatic for us - so we opted for an IUD. The one I choose is good for 10 years. And it's a little sad. Everytime he grows out of something I think: "This is the last time we will experience this."

But who knows?

We've talked about adoption and fostering too.

Adoption and fostering are terrific options - and you can always be a second mother to other kids with parents too. A kid can never have too many people watching out for them. One of my best friend's mom couldn't have anymore children after her and I spent so much time over at their house growing up that she is like a sister to me and her mom, one of my heroes.

You have lots of options - and will be a positive force in a lot of children's lives - I just know it.

October 30, 2007 12:17 PM  

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