Thursday, November 08, 2007

Be Aware

November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month!

After I graduated from high school I worked at an assisted living community that had a wing devoted to people living with Alzheimer's. This was a job I thought I'd never have or want or even enjoy, but I was wrong. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy. It was very demanding both physically and emotionally but very rewarding in a lot of ways. I was glad to do my part to provide the quality of care that those individuals deserved. I worked with not only the residents on a day-to-day basis, but also their family members. I did my best to treat my residents with the same respect and care that I'd want someone to treat my parents or grandparents with. I witnessed first-hand how Alzheimer's robs a person of their life, of everything they've known, of precious memories and of loved ones. It's a fascinating and devastating disease that I hope will someday have a cure.

Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging although the risk for developing the disease does increase with age. Statistics show that 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 and almost half of those 85 or older have the disease. Right now researchers are working on ways to extend the quality of life for those diagnosed with Alzheimer's. While that is very important, ensuring quality care for those who suffer from the disease should not be overlooked. How can we do that? By supporting the Alzheimer's Foundation of America this holiday season and visiting their eStore. All proceeds go to help raise awareness and spread the knowledge of Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses and further its mission of providing optimal care to those affected by dementia. This year, in honor of two of my Grandmother's who had the disease, I'm going to get a beautiful necklace as a holiday gift to myself while helping to spread the word.


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