Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sweeny Todd

Mention the name Johnny Depp and I'm transported back in time to a place where boys were a mystery, ripped jeans with safety pins were cool, and I was still a flower waiting to bloom. Yes, high school, circa late '90s. A lot has changed since then except for Mr. Depp. His characters continue to turn me on and totally creep me out. In his latest movie he has once again joined forces with the equally quirky Tim Burton in Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The first time I saw the trailer I didn't think too much of the movie until I decided to visit Sweeny Todd on Myspace and poke around a bit. I have to say I'm intrigued.

The movie is based on the British legend of Sweeny Todd. In the movie Benjamin Barker (played by Johnny Depp) is a normal guy with a lovely wife and baby who's sent away by a wicked judge. He returns as his alter ego, I guess, who goes by Sweeny Todd and he's set on revenge by ridding the world of all the people who have done him wrong. The cinematography in this movie is outstanding. The sets, costumes, and characters are quirky and the feel is very Gothic. There also seems to be a musical flair to the film which isn't really my bag, but the story sounds decent enough to ignore the musical breaks. Visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site to see the trailer for yourself.

The studio for this film has really pulled out all the stops to get the word out. If you go to Sweeny Todd's Confessional over at you can confess your own sins of revenge. It's almost like Post Secret only not as cool. I think the site is fairly new because there aren't very many confessions yet. I'm trying to think if I have any tales of revenge to confess...hmmm...ok, here's one. When Nathaniel had his vasectomy I not-so-secretly wished he'd get a nut infection! That was lame I know but it was the best I could do....besides I'm not willing to divulge any secrets that could get me in hot water! So in the spirit of things why not head on over and make your own Dashboard Confessional! And remember Sweeny Todd hits theaters this Christmas...nothing like a nice heart-warming tale of murderous revenge to make the holidays complete!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't wait to see this movie.............. he's totally dreamy :-)

November 28, 2007 11:46 PM  

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