Thursday, March 15, 2007

Way To Go, Google!

I joined the money-hungry masses the other day and added some of those Google ads to this blog. They're supposed to reflect the content of the site they're on, but mine seem a little off. As I type this, all of the adds are about drug addiction treatments, bipolar disorder treatments, and eating disorder treatments. Is Google trying to tell me something? I really don't think I've blogged about any of those things and I don't suffer from any of those things....although Nathaniel might agree with the bipolar stuff. Although I may have just sealed my fate blogging about those topics today. Hopefully the ad content will become a little less depressing, we'll see.

In other news, remember when I blogged about blogging for money? It actually works! I got an email the other day saying that the company I plugged had paid me via Paypal. Not too shabby. So I guess you'll be seeing a few more plugs since they actually pay off. I went with Blogvertise, but there are several other sites like it out there. Click the link above to visit the post I mentioned before, I listed the other sites and their links. Hopefully someone else out there might find it interesting and worth while. There's also a blog hosting site called Blog Charm that's powered by Blogger where your entire blog is devoted to plugging companies, products, and services...and you get paid. I don't know how well it works, I can't get their site to open properly at the moment...that might be a red flag right there, but you never know. Just thought I'd share!


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