Geof had a birthday Saturday before last. He is now 6 going on 16. We had hoped to have a couple of his friends over for the day but these days it's all or nothing. Or so the teacher said. We could pass out invites to just the three boys Geof wanted to have over because the teacher's didn't want feelings hurt. I unde
rstand and all but it meant that my kid didn't get to have the party he wanted. We did a family party instead and all was well. He's really into super heroes these days as you might have noticed from his Iron Man shirt and cake. He's also really into the Hulk and any and all things dealing with characters from the
Marvel Universe. I can thank my Dad for his latest obsession, he's the one that introduced him to the world of comics and such. Hollywood isn't helping much either with the Hulk and Iron Man movies that have come out. We now own both on DVD and they've been running pretty much non-stop since Christmas. Yay me. I can't believe how fast the past 6 years have flown by. Sometimes I wonder where they've gone and I miss them. Geof is growing into a smart, handsome little man and I love him more everyday and with every new experience and I honestly couldn't be more proud to call him my son.
...and now I have to go cry my guts out!...
...before I do here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure...
Geof and his 6
th birthday loot
Geof and the BB gun he got for Christmas
The resulting bruise from Geof vs. a metal pole
Geof's first birthday