Wednesday, October 26, 2005

ramble on...

Well, autumn came and went in about 5 days and winter is now upon us...or so it seems to be the case lately. The heat hasn't been off in about 3 days. Usually we don't have to run it constantly until November. Of course November is only a few days away. Maybe we're right on schedule. Wow this post is really getting dull.

Moving along...

I guess it's because he has a personality now and we can interact more and converse, but I swear Geof is more and more fun to be around. The stuff that comes out of that kid's mouth is priceless. Now don't get me wrong I've never disliked being around him, but it's nice to communicate. I am totally loving being a mama.

Nathaniel's schedule is all fucked up trying to work with the holidays. Schneider has a policy that all drivers (I'm guessing all employees, too) are home for at least 36 hours for Christmas. Sounds like a total joy killer, but it makes sense. If trailers aren't moving, then no one's making money. They're also doing some sort of trial where Nathaniel has to plan ahead several months and pick 5 days out of each month when he wants to be home. I'm a bit confused on details so I won't bore you with babble. Blah blah blah ... we're not doing our usual thing for Thanksgiving or possibly Christmas. He will be home at least for Christmas but not Thanksgiving...something about being here a few days before or after the holiday. See I told you I was confused. At any rate he did say that sometime in December he will be on the road, home, on the road for a few days, and then home again. We're hoping to work things out that I can go out with him when he's gone for the few days. Geof will get to spend time with Pop & Gram (my Dad & Mom). We'll see. I really want to go out with him for several reasons... 1-to see what his life is like away from home and what he has to put up with 2-to actually spend some time just the two of us. That hasn't happened in over a year and a half. 3- I so want to play with the CB! Yeah I'm a dork. 4- I'll look like such a badass hot trucker babe!! HAHAHA!! I'm laughing out loud at myself right now.

Nathaniel recently got a satellite radio for the truck and he says it helps time to pass more quickly. I was surprised at how inexpensive they are now. The radio was about $50 and the subscription to the service was $10 for the year! He highly recommends it to anyone.

Like the tomatoes this summer, I am babysitting yet another hobby of Nathaniel's. There are two 5 gallon buckets full of fermenting grapes sitting in my living room. Yes, the man makes his own wine! I checked the percentage of alcohol tonight and the fumes coming out of there are enough to intoxicate a moose. Potent stuff. I broke the damn thing-a-ma-bob that I have to use to check it so I'll have to make a trip to the home brewing store. Asheville is such a cluster fuck traffic wise and I hate driving in downtown.

It's been in the low 30s at night so I let the cat in the house. I lock him in the bathroom at night since the recliner incident...that's where his food and litter box are anyway. How does the fucker repay me? He shits in my bathroom sink and pees on top of his litter box lid. See, we have a litter box that has a top on it...looks kinda like a pet carrier...we call it the bat cave. What the hell?! I cleaned out his box prior to putting him in the bathroom, too. I'm really fed up with him. At least my bathroom is super duper sterile now. I spent all morning cleaning it. I hate poop.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Typing Out Loud

Well, the St. Louis Cardinals aren't going to the World Series. My world isn't rocked too hard, but I'm just a fan by marriage. Nathaniel and Geof were born with Cardinal fever.

I am so loving these cool nights. I think I have a touch of change-of-season blues, though. Every year around this time I always seem to reflect a little too much on the past. But I snap out of it pretty quickly when I open my eyes and see where I am today. I'm wiser and happier than I've ever been before.

Geof decided to share his cold with thoughtful of him. Luckily it's a short-lived illness and we're both pretty much back to normal except for some chest congestion. Nathaniel left out for a 3 week run on Monday. He will be stopping by the house for a shower and lunch today because he'll be in the area. Geof is excited. I think he's becoming aware enough of Nathaniel's absences to miss him now. Last time Nathaniel was out, Geof talked about him constantly. He'd say, "Guess what...Daddy's gonna come see me tomorrow!" Unfortunately he would begin saying things like that the day Nathaniel left. The longer we're in this routine, the shorter the time Nathaniel is away seems to be...which is nice. It's become kinda odd to have someone here other than Geof and myself.

On to more health news...
For the past month I've had the same rash type thing bugging me. I would post a link to another post explaining it further, but I can't find the original post and also discovered that this blog is peppered with posts referring to it. Plus, I'm too lazy at the moment to go looking too hard. Sorry. I have my suspicions as to what it might be, but I'm afraid of the truth. I know, I hate it when people say that too. It's a shame that health care in this country is so damned expensive. At any rate, if it lasts much longer I'm going to see a doctor. Should I go to a dermatologist or a family doctor?

I guess I better get ready for the day, I'm still in my pj's, and there are still dishes in the sink to be washed! Take care everyone and have a great day!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Here are some pictures I thought I'd share...all of them are clickable...

typical boy
silly little family portrait of sorts
playing in the rain
this one make me teary, he's growing up too fast!

Geof eating an onion...I told you he wasn't a picky eater!
which one is the wild beast?
Geof pretending to be a dinosaur
Geof lined up his animals on the couch, guess it was time to migrate

here's Geof "driving" Daddy's big rig
Geof playing with camel spit...he still talks about it
my kid...being a kid

I'm Baaack

Yeah, so I'm still alive. Did you miss me? My absence hasn't been intentional, trust me. My computer caught a nasty virus and died. Nathaniel is the computer fixer and has had to repair the damn thing in stages. He can only work on it when he's home (duh) and he isn't home but every other weekend. At any rate I'm back until some other fuck nut computer virus writer attacks. To all you buttholes out there that think it's just a riot to write up these viruses that wreck computers I hope you rot in hell!!!!

I don't think too much has really happened since I was last able to post. Geof and I both have colds. I had seriously thought I was pregnant until Captain Bloodsnatch came into port. (that's how Nathaniel refers to my monthly) My cycle is like a clock (25-27 days) and I was a day late. Could be because of the cold or the fact that my weird skin thing is back. Who knows.

Fall is here. The nights are getting cooler and I love it!! We transplanted some mums to the front of the house this spring and they are gimongous and gorgeous. Geof and I bought a Halloween costume for him today. Spiderman all the way! Nathaniel won't be home for Halloween this year so Geof and I will head down to see my parents. This will be Geof's first year actually trick-or-treating. Usually we just visit our neighbors. I have 3 younger cousins that I'm hoping will let us tag along who live near my parents.

I guess that's all the news. I'm off to take a little nap.
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