Home Again
The trip with Nathaniel went very well. It was really nice to spend some time with him. We went all the way up to Ogdensburg, New York. I got to knock off several states on my list of states I've been to. West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York. I haven't seen that much snow on the ground since the blizzard of '93 that crippled the Carolinas. I think the most impressive thing were the 6' long icicles. That just doesn't happen in the south that often! The only part of the trip I didn't particularly care for was the not being able to bathe when I wanted. I don't like to be stinky! I guess it was par for the course.
I learned a lot about all the shit that Nathaniel has to put up with. It's a lot of hurry up and wait and people not being able to find their ass from their elbow. I love him even more for putting up with that shit for Geof and me. I actually cried this morning when Nathaniel had to leave, but I didn't let him see. I can't get over the fact that I wound up with such an incredible husband and father to our son. I must have been really good in a past life!
Speaking of being really good, Geof must have been super good this year because Santa was super super good to him! That kid really made out like a bandit! My parents got him a set of Tonka trucks (5 in all) and a huge Tonka dump truck...that is Geof nirvana! We got him some baseball cards, a train whistle and some big boy underwear among other things. He wasn't too excited about the Sponge Bob underwear, but he's wearing his first pair today! We have had a time trying to potty train this kid, so I'm hoping the underwear will help. So far, so good...we'll see how that goes!
I hope everyone had a great holiday season! Take care.