Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Did You Miss Me?

August 31st will be mine and Nathaniel's 4th anniversary. We celebrated a little early in St. Louis last week. He has a dedicated account that runs from here to St. Louis so I rode with him in the truck while Geof stayed with my folks. We got to see 2 Cardinals games against the Cubs...the Cards won, of course! We stayed in the Hilton across the street from the ballpark..which is really nice when you're stumbly drunk. We had a really nice time. It was great to get to do the more adult things. Last time we were there Geof was with us so we did more family friendly type things. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure...Satudray August 27, 2006

Cool beer guy

Busch Stadium August 27, 2006

Drunken bastards... pardon my double chin, wild hair, and shiny was really hot and I was really enjoying my beer(s)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

From The Mouths of Babes

Anyone who spends enough time around children will tell you that the stuff that comes from their mouths is priceless...and usually full of more truth than most adults. Here are some recent "truths" from my own little fountain of knowledge, Geof.

...just this morning...

"Poop is like thunder...big loud noises, and pee is like rain!"

...a few months ago...

Here's an outline of a recent conversation between Geof and myself.

Geof: "Mommy, what's a criminal?"
Me: {tries best to explain}
Geof: "Mommy, what's the government?"
Me: {falls over in a fit of hysterical laughter}

All of that from the kid who has referred to George W. Bush as a "turkey" since he was 2. Now if a 2 year old gets it, what does that say about the people of America who actually voted for the asshole? Now mind you, this was not coaxed out of him, he came up with it on his own. My grandfather is a die-hard republican. He got mad at my uncle for having a pro-democrat bumper sticker on his car during the last election. I do believe he would fall over dead if he ever heard Geof call Dubya anything but awesome. Kids are smarter than a lot of people give them credit for, maybe we should listen to them for's not like things could get much worse.

*Disclaimer- This is my personal space on the web and while this is the platform I've chosen to voice my opinions, I realize that others may not share them and I respect that 100%. All I ask is that you respect mine in return, we'll agree to disagree and continue to behave like reasonable adults and keep on rockin' in the free world!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Boobies, Titties, Tatas, or Breasts

I bet that title piqued the interests of my readers of the male persuasion...
Sorry folks, this post has to do with boobs, but not in that good Las Vegas my husband would say. No, this is a rant. I saw on Yahoo today an article about the uproar over the latest issue of Babytalk magazine. The more I read the more I was disgusted. Apparently the readers of the magazine, which by the way is geared towards new moms, have their panties in a wad because pictured on the cover is a baby...a baby attached to a...God forbid...a BOOB!!!! Oh the humanity! In some of the letters received by the magazine readers wrote of feeling "embarrassed" or "offended" by the sight of such horror! Come on! It's 2006 and babies have been attached to tits since before Christ. Get over yourselves people!! Why is it that breasts pictured in a sexual nature are considered ok, but put a baby near one and you're likely to start a riot? It doesn't make sense. From reading this so far you might assume that I'm the Breastfeeding Nazi. Far from true. I tried and failed at breastfeeding and I was not embarrassed or ashamed of feeding Geof was either that or having my child die of starvation. Easy choice. Ok, I'm getting off point here...I'm just trying to understand why people are so uncomfortable with seeing a nursing baby. If you ask me the picture was very tasteful and beautifully done. The focus was on the baby and not the boob, and that's how it should be. Here's the link if you would like to read the article yourself.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How Much Is That Doggie In The Window...

I woke up yesterday morning, walked outside to greet the day and what do I find? This cute pup! He was trotting up the road and I called out, "hey, pup!" and he came running over, tail wagging like he was happy to see me. I'd never seen him before. I gave him some ear scratches and belly rubs and returned to the cool of the indoors. Later I looked out and he was still sitting on the porch. By then it was getting fairly hot outside so I brought out a bowl of water. He stayed for he remainder of the day and I named him Boz. I was almost hoping he'd be around today, but he was not. I had decided that if he returned, I'd claim him. He had a flea collar on and he seemed pretty well-fed so I'm sure someone was missing him. He really was a sweet dog. He reminded me of how much I miss Tiffany, my mom's dog. A part of me started to believe that Boz was Tiffany in a different body....silly, I know. They had a lot of the same mannerisms. Who knows. I look forward to having a pet again and when I say pet I mean a dog, I'm done with cats. Period.
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