Friday, March 30, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Random Acts of Kindness
When I became pregnant with Geof we didn't have insurance, so to get the best care for our son I signed up for pregnancy medicaid and along with that, WIC. One evening, Geof and I ventured out to the grocery store for formula....(a little aside here, in today's environment of constant criticisms I feel I must defend my choice to use formula, I've done that in the past so go read it here if your panties are in a wad)...I got the formula I needed and stood in line to present my voucher. I get up there only to find out that the vouchers I had weren't valid until the next day. I didn't have enough formula at home to make it to the next day and by then my boob juice was as dried up as the dunes of the Sahara, and no money. I panicked and started sobbing right there in line. Thank you postpartum hormones! I hate crying in front of people let alone perfect strangers. Luckily for me there was an angel in line behind me. Without hesitation she told the cashier to go ahead and ring up the formula and then she proceeded to pay for it! Formula is not cheap let alone about 4 cans of the stuff. Of course this sent me into even more fits of tears. I hugged her and thanked her repeatedly. I then walked out to my car to finish my crying session.
I haven't been back to that particular grocery store out of sheer embarrassment, but I think about that woman a lot. I'd love to have the opportunity to thank her again. I guess the moral of the story here is the power in a random act of kindness. I had other problems and issues going on at home and in my life that made that act of kindness seem almost like a lifesaver. I've wondered if that lady saw herself in me, or if she just wanted to make the crazy new mom stop crying! At any rate, I'm very grateful and thankful for her. If we all did a little something nice for a stranger, I think the world would be a much more awesome place to live.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Holy Shrinking Fat Pants, Batman!!
Way To Go, Google!
In other news, remember when I blogged about blogging for money? It actually works! I got an email the other day saying that the company I plugged had paid me via Paypal. Not too shabby. So I guess you'll be seeing a few more plugs since they actually pay off. I went with Blogvertise, but there are several other sites like it out there. Click the link above to visit the post I mentioned before, I listed the other sites and their links. Hopefully someone else out there might find it interesting and worth while. There's also a blog hosting site called Blog Charm that's powered by Blogger where your entire blog is devoted to plugging companies, products, and services...and you get paid. I don't know how well it works, I can't get their site to open properly at the moment...that might be a red flag right there, but you never know. Just thought I'd share!