Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Traditional vs. Modern

Martha Stewart I am not and that is pretty evident by the current decor of my rented house. I like to use the excuse that I'd rather not spend the money or the time to decorate a house that 1) I can't paint or 2) doesn't really belong to me. It's not that I completely lack imagination, I just have a hard time deciding how to marry several different styles seamlessly. I love the traditional look and feel of a farmhouse, as well as the boldness and elegance found in modern pieces and decor. For me "farmhouse" decor, means traditional, nothing too frilly or fancy, organic, and simple. As for "modern" decor, I picture bold colors, either straight or flowing crisp lines, graphic, and very minimalistic. On the outside both styles seem like polar opposites, but when you get down to basics they're pretty similar. They're both simplistic.

In my future dream house I see traditional furniture made from real wood (not sawdust glued together) with modern accents and paint. In my head it looks good, not really sure how it would turn out, but that's my plan of attack for the moment. Let's take a kitchen for example. I think simple, traditional cabinets painted a dark color and a light colored farmhouse sink would look great paired with a bright red metal workbench that would serve as an island. (Exactly like the one pictured below!)

I fell in love with this table while searching for metal cabinets over at Car Guy I love the color, the fact that it's made from metal, and that it has 3 drawers for storage. This would be a great place to store knives and because the drawers can be locked it would keep little hands away from dangerous kitchen tools...or nosy cooks away from your secret recipes! It would be easy to care for and you wouldn't have to worry about placing hot dishes on the top. Also because it's made to be a workbench it's the perfect height for preparing food. And can't you just imagine a stool at either end? They also have an 8' butcher block workbench as well that has a solid hardwood maple top that sits on steel legs. This would be another great option for a kitchen that brings in the traditional elements of farmhouse decor with the wood and modern elements with the steel legs. Again, since it's meant to be a workbench the height is great, the wood could stand up to chopping, and hot dishes wouldn't harm the surface. Plus these things were built to take a beating, so I'm sure they could take whatever my family could dish out. I think perhaps I'm on to something here. There's a lot to pick from, all metal workbenches or ones made completely from wood. Decisions, decisions!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mr. Independent

Where did the time go? Geof decided to make his own sandwich the other day and did a pretty good job. He even offered to make a sandwich for me. I guess it's because I'm a sappy Mom, I grabbed the camera to document this "milestone". I hate not feeling needed although I will admit that it is sort of nice that he can do more for himself. He is almost 5 years old after all and some days I really cannot believe it. I don't remember what it was like when he wasn't around. I must have been bored all the time then...I know for sure I didn't laugh as much as I do now...or say "Stop!" "No!" and "Don't!" quite as often. My baby's growing up. Having the privilege to witness his journey thus far has been one hell of a ride. So today sandwiches, tomorrow who knows?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Snip Snip

The day I've been dreading since I was pregnant with Geof is fast approaching and there's nothing I can do about it. Nathaniel has opted to get a vasectomy. Without going into detail and dragging up things I'd like to leave in the past, his decision did not come as a surprise. I've been living in denial since he first mentioned it over 4 years ago. Apparently guys can't get clipped until they are at least 25 years old. Nathaniel's 25th birthday was in January. He had an appointment yesterday with our family doctor to get the referral to a urologist. They called this morning and are ready to snip away! Eager beavers! I'm not happy with all of this but I am trying my best to be supportive of his decision. What makes it hardest is that I've got my own biological clock screaming bloody murder in one ear and the voice of compassion and reason screaming in the other. He knows how I feel but this is something he feels strongly about so I'll do what it takes to get through it.

Growing up I always felt sorry for people with one child. I'd always imagined having 3 or 4 kids running around myself. Happy chaos 24/7. We've talked about adopting or even fostering kids so there's a ray of hope I guess. I guess divorce is another option but that seems a bit radical, plus I do kinda like the guy! So, I'm in a bit of a funk here. Nathaniel said he's going to schedule the procedure for sometime in November. I'm sure I'll be more of a basket case as D-day nears...fair warning. For now I'm just taking it all in and looking forward to the hoard of grandchildren that Geof will give me!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Day Tripper

Some days when I get lost in my thoughts I like to daydream about how I will decorate my future home. A home that Nathaniel and I own. Today's daydreaming orgasmathon took shape with the help of some online decorating porn I ran across. I focused on lighting fixtures today mainly bathroom lighting because I detest what's in the house we rent now. Did you know that some people put mini chandeliers in their bathrooms? Anyhoo, I really liked this site because they had a little bit of everything style-wise, price-wise, and energy consciousness-wise. The site is also pretty easy to navigate. You can search by finish, style, brand, price range, and number of blubs. They've also got everything from froufrou to farmhouse. I tend to lean more in the farmhouse direction. They even had lighting fixtures that look like ladybugs on a vine...too cute! I could literally spend days looking at this stuff. I definitely bookmarked this site for another day. I read some customer reviews and they all had one thing in common and that was how quickly their purchases arrived. Go check them can thank me later.


Big Bank

My Mom finally went back to work this past Monday. She has recovered beautifully from her most recent surgery, obviously. Not to sound selfish in any sort of way but I'm paranoid now every time I get a headache. From what the doctor's have said aneurysms aren't exactly hereditary, but the concern is still there. She's one of the lucky ones. Damn lucky, too. I worry about her and Dad too. Any call from them raises the hairs on my neck anymore. I worry about her driving alone or with Dad and I really worry about their stress levels. She sat down a few nights ago and totaled up all of her medical expenses so far. Are you ready for this? Her bills are over $140,000. Fortunately everyone from the doctor's to the hospital have been more than willing to work with her so I'm sure when it's all said and done her out-of-pocket expenses will be much less, but I know it bothers them both. They don't like owing anybody anything and I can't blame them for it. Too bad there aren't any wealthy relatives about to kick the bucket!

Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite!

Growing up I'd always heard the phrase, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!" I'm sure we've all heard it, but I never realized that they weren't mythical creatures! Nasty buggars! This past summer we had yet another flea infestation thanks to my mother-in-law's cats. She watched our cat and kid for us while Nathaniel and I were out on the road and both of them came home with fleas. Great. Anyway in my search for remedies I ran across numerous sites that also discussed bed bugs and how to get rid of them. One in particular is totally devoted to the killing of bed bugs. Apparently they can live in almost any little crack or crevice and even the seams on mattresses. Unfortunately the only way to rid a house that has been infested is to hand things over to the professionals. Talk about a pain! As much as I've complained about the flea problem we've had the last 2 years I'd take them over bed bugs any day!


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Beautiful Way

My kid rocks.

The setting:
...9-26-07 * Western portion, NC * 6:19pm...

Geof: "Hey Mom I pooted."
Me: "Uh, ok."
Geof: "That's just a beautiful way to say, 'I love you'."

Monday, October 01, 2007

Enter To Win A Free Raleigh, NC Getaway!

Autumn is upon us and it's that time of year when, around here anyway, all the Floridians and Yankees descend upon us to gaze at the spectacle that is the turning of the leaves. This year I would like to invite you to another part of my fair state. Raleigh, North Carolina. Raleigh is the perfect place to enjoy a Fall Getaway. You can behold the natural beauty and still take part in some of the cultural activities found in bigger cities like visiting a museum, or catching a show after visiting one of the many restaurants in the area.

Raleigh has a lot to offer to keep the boredom monster at bay. The 2007 N.C. State Fair begins in Raleigh on October 12th and runs until the 21st. Come on out and meet some farm animals, try some amazing food, dare to ride the rides. There's something for everyone. Not in the mood for the Fair? How about the Autumn Arts Festival in nearby Wake Forest. There you can take part in the 4th annual festival offering live music, delicious food, family-friendly activites and arts and crafts from local craftsmen. And the best's free!

Raleigh is a hidden treasure nestled in the heart of the state of North Carolina and it is also the capital. You can experience the city with its blend of big-city entertainment and Carolina charm-without the hassles of a really large city. A great place for families and couples alike! Register now to win a FREE Raleigh Getaway with perks! Here's what you could win...

One night accommodations for two at the Courtyard by Marriott Raleigh Crabtree Valley
-$25 gift certificate to Bloomsbury Bistro
-Free VIP admission for two to Rum Runners
-2 tickets to the North Carolina Theatre
-2 tickets to the N.C. Museum of Art’s Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism
-2 tickets to Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences

What are you waiting for? Raleigh is the place to be this Fall!

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