Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Beating A Dead Horse

I had several ideas for the title of this post even before I had it composed...
"Ladies And Gentlemen...WE ARE FUCKED" or "It's The End Of The World As We Know It And I Just Shit My Pants" get the idea.

Several things on my plate tonight...
  1. the cheapest gas in town is $3.06 for regular
  2. there is a gas shortage and people are freaking out here and gas stations are running out of fuel
  3. tomorrow the price of a pack of cigarettes will go up $.30 so I'm going to quit
  4. hell has officially frozen over...North Carolina finally decided to have a lottery
  5. Geof won't use his potty chair but damn it the cat has starting pissing in it now!

I know if you're reading this and you live in a large city $3.06 for regular gas may sound great. But I live in a small town with a depressed economy and it's outrageous. Apparently, the gas supply to this region has been cut off because of that bitch Katrina and it most likely will not be restored for a week or two. At least that is what I understand at the moment. Already the lines at the pumps are fairly long and several stations have run out of fuel. Scary shit. Since the price of gas first starting climbing Geof and I have stayed home more. I guess now we're stuck. I went to fill up the tank tonight thinking that surely it wouldn't be over $3 yet. Boy was I wrong. I didn't get gas. I guess I'll have to wait it out. Nathaniel and I are a little worried that he might not get to work as much because Schneider might cut back drivers to save money...who knows, we're just trying to think of any and all worse case senarios and be prepared if that happens. Thank goodness he doesn't have to pay to fuel his truck out-of-pocket!! We'd be in some shit then!! He said that in Columbia, South Carolina regular gas is $3.75, and in larger cities it's $3.99 to $4. Here's a good site to find gas deals in your area, I highly recommend it!!

I've been looking for a reason to quit smoking. I was watching the news tonight and found it. Effective tomorrow, North Carolina will raise the tax on cigarettes $.30. The place I usually go has Marlboro & Camel (my main brands of choice) for $2.79/pack. I'll be damned if I'll pay $3 for a pack of smokes. Both companies have been sending me $1 off coupons, but still, I really should quit. Gotta save that money for food and gas now. Wish me luck and watch out I'm gonna be a real bitch in the next few days. You've been warned!! [insert evil laughing]

North Carolina finally got a freaking lottery. If the price of gas and the aftermath of Katrina weren't all over the news here, then the lottery would be. Every single state around us has a lottery, but North Carolina being the moral conscience of the south had to hold out. Screw that, fuckin bible belt shit wake up it's 2005. I am all for the lottery. I'm not sure all the details, but I know in Georgia and South Carolina it funds education. The cost of a college education is increasingly more expensive. If my son and all the other children in this state have a better chance at going to college I'm sure as hell going to support it 100%.

Ok, now for the light side of things...Illinois, our freakin cat has been pissing in Geof's potty chair. I didn't realize it was him until the other day when he did it right in front of me. I had to laugh though. Seeing a cat piss in a potty is great. I just wish he'd do it in the toilet. I'm glad though that he wasn't shitting in Geof's potty, then we'd have a problem. For now the potty chair is out of reach of the cat. Who knows maybe he'll help with potty training Geof?! Apparently, I'm doing something wrong.

Today is my 3rd wedding anniversary. Nathaniel will be home this weekend and might possibly be here for 3 days instead of 2!! YAY!! I would post a pic of the happy couple, but I don't have one on this computer, so here's a mental picture. Imagine a bride who is 4 months pregnant, a bewildered groom, both with this expression :"What the hell have we done?!" Hey, we made it folks...who says miracles don't happen?

Take care everyone, hug your babies, don't be stingy with your I love yous and hang in there...who knows what's next!!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Yes, Sometimes I Waste Your Time & Mine With Stupid Quizzes

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You?

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!
Yay, I passed but I missed 3...that's still embarrassing!

Your Outrageous Name Is
Ima Hore
Hey!! I'm not a whore!!

Your Fortune Is

War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left.

I'll second that!!

You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Charming Viking.

Where You Lived: France.

How You Died: Buried alive.
Last one, I promise.....

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!


Thursday, August 25, 2005


So I was sitting here about 11 o'clock last night blogging my little heart out when the floor starts shaking and I hear a low rumble. I thought Geof was up to something so I stopped and listened a minute and it happened again. Then I thought someone was ramming my house with a car so I grabbed Geof, who was sound asleep, and the phone and went outside to investigate. I didn't see anything. Odd, I thought. I called the neighbor to see if perhaps she had felt the same thing. Sure enough she felt it too. I felt a little better then, knowing that I wasn't under attack and that I wasn't going crazy. Turns out there was an earthquake not too far from here with a 3.8 magnitude. This was my first earthquake experience. I think I would have appreciated it more had I known what the hell was going on. It was cool and creepy as hell at the same time. The term "solid ground" doesn't have the same gravity for me now!! I found a very interesting site and did some research. Just a few minutes after the quake they had information up about it's location and magnitude. I also found out that the largest earthquake in North Carolina's history happened in 1916 in a town that is about 5 miles away!! Apparently, I'm living on a major fault line and didn't even know it. So about this website, this is the second time it has come in handy. I highly recommend it for up-to-date information about any natural disasters or occurrences in your area. Last September during the floods it was nice to be able to see real-time data for the river that was threatening to wash away our entire town!

I guess now I'll have something cool to report to Nathaniel when he asks if he's missed anything exciting!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Eh, so I went a little ticker was fun!! My only complaint with ticker factory is that you cannot change the color of the font. It's a bit hard to read I think. I can't believe I'm going to admit this but there goes 2 hours of my life I'll never get back!! Does anyone know of other free countdown ticker sites? I know I've seen some out there that weren't offered at the sites I saw. Boy, this is really a pointless post isn't it? I'll stop now.

Blah & Blah-er

Well, Nathaniel has come and gone once again. I think this job is seriously getting to him. I tried to keep him positive but by the time we dropped him off at his truck it was all I could do to keep my composure. These last two days have been touch and go as well....I keep getting these sudden urges to burst into uncontrollable sobs. Luckily I've been able to keep myself in check. June 1, 2006 will be Nathaniel's last day with Schneider. I think I'll get one of those cutesy countdown markers to put up on here to mark the days until freedom. Anyhoo, I'm not going to air my husband's dirty laundry here. Certain conversations between a husband and wife should stay private. I will say that June 1st cannot come soon enough.

In other news some fucktards out there seem to think that I enjoy spam sooooo much that I might allow spam comments on my blog. To those bastards I say a big "FUCK YOU!!!" I have had to delete several spam comments from both of my blogs and I'm tired of it. I enabled the word verification option for my comments now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but like everything else in life we've all got to suffer because of the actions of a few.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Random Post

Am I the only one who sees a difference here? What happened? Where are the swirling rumors of plastic surgery or health problems? I'm not a huge fan of Hilary Duff, but I saw her on TV the other night and her new look was enough to startle me and prompted me to look up past and current photos of her for comparison. It looks like her head is shrinking! I always thought she was a very attractive, normal looking girl before but now she looks like a heroin junkie.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Oh, Them Dukes!

So I took Geof to story time at the library today. Holy crapola batman!! What an eye opener it was. Either Geof is super high strung or the other kids were on valium. I'm also thinking that it was a mistake taking him on story time for toddlers day. The other kids sat with their mothers all nice and quiet. Mine was all over the place; asking the reader all kinds of questions about the pictures in the book, spinning around, talking to the other kids, etc. When it was time for singing and dancing he enjoyed himself so much he asked for an encore. I think the crowd was too young for him. There is a story time for preschoolers on Mondays so we may try that. I'm very glad that he is so out going because I was a shy child. I dunno, he wasn't horrible or anything but it was interesting to compare his behavior with that of other kids. He doesn't get to interact with kids his own age much at all. Maybe he was a bit over stimulated. From there the day wasn't any less interesting. He was a holy terror after that though. He didn't get to eat ice cream after dinner or watch the Dukes of Hazzard. I know, I can hear the collective groans and gasps out there but this kid loves the Dukes. Whatever. All in all the trip to the library wasn't a complete disaster. I got some books, Geof got some books, and everyone survived. Later this evening we had to sing the "If You're Happy & You Know It" song, which they did at the library so I'm thinking all is well.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Title?! I Don't Need No Stinkin' Title!!

This post is a perfect example of an organized, well-meaning, procrastinating, dorky blogger's post. Like the numerous adjectives there? So yesterday I think it was, I made a list of all the different topics that I wanted to blog about. Inspiration for mind blowing posts always hits me when I'm either not at the computer or just not in the mood to blog. I decided I'd write down everything in a notebook and blog it later in the day. Well, here we are at least a day late, but I'm hear, dear reader, nevertheless. Lucky you, right? Here we go...

I've been practicing my little heart out learning the guitar and damn it if my fingers aren't screaming to high hell!! I'm very pleased with my progress, but so far Geof is the only other person who's impressed. I'm gonna blow Nathaniel away!! Hey, hey you!! Get your mind out of the gutter!! Geez!!

The cat has fleas...again. I think my neighbor brought them over with her while she was feeding him for us while we were away. I've tried several different Hartz products and nothing works. So, I bought an inexpensive flea comb for less than $3 and that seems to be working! All you do is brush your cat and in doing so you comb out the fleas, their eggs, and their dookie...and the cat enjoys it, which is a plus!! If you have fleas go buy a flea comb. It's the only thing that has worked for me. Of course, I haven't called in the exterminators or anything like that because I'm poor.

I found out quite by accident yesterday morning that Illinois, the cat, likes blueberry waffles. Go figure.

The state, county, or city has been doing road destruction on my road for ever it seems. Yesterday they finally paved it so that the manhole covers no longer provide an interestingly skill challenging obstacle course. Geof loved all the big machinery and such. One of the steam roller guys, an older gentleman, was especially talkative and took a liking to Geof. I'm guessing he had several grandkids or something. Anyhoo, he offered to let Geof ride the steam roller with him. Geof said he wanted to while we were sitting on the porch but got shy when we got up to the thing. I figured as much, and was actually a bit relieved. I did finally talk Geof into tooting the horn and he liked that pretty well. As we were headed back to our house the toe of my sandal caught an uneven portion of the freshly laid asphalt and I got some stuck right under my big toe. Let me tell you, I doubt the fires in hell are any hotter than that shit!! I totally had to keep cool because of all the hunky workers around and I didn't want to upset Geof. We went inside and I made a beeline for the bathroom sink and cold water. Luckily there's no blistering, but it's still sore today.

I was bored the other day and decided to do a search for "poop" and came upon an extremely interesting site. Well, it was interesting to me. It had all these facts and myths about poop and gas and all things pertaining to butt functions. Check it out. While we're on the subject of internet searches, it is really amazing what is out there. My Dad and computers/the internet do not get along at all. While we were visiting them he had me do a photo search for Ted Kennedy because he's doing some political caricatures for someone. He's a graphic artist (I know the whole not liking computers thing doesn't make much sense) and here's an example of some of his work ps-that's me on the first page. (like the subtle plug?). I found tons of pictures some good some horrible and then...then I found this...

I shit you not, folks, and here's the proof, just scroll down. I'm so glad I'm not in the public eye. If you would like to play a similar game might I suggest a new search engine that Deneen brought to my attention? To bad, I'm going to anyway. It's your typical search engine but you have a chance of winning something every time you search for something. I'm not good at explaining things so just click the button over there to the right that says, "Win with me on BLINGO".

Here's another plug. If you like getting something for free or need to get rid of something for free check out FREECYCLE!!

That's all for now...take care and go learn something about poop!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

it's late and i'm typing with one hand...

geez you're a perv, get your mind out of the gutter!!! i've decided that i want to play guitar and that nathaniel is to be my teacher. i've been practicing like hell since he left because he said that i wouldn't and forget about it. (that's why i'm typing with one hand...the finger tips on my left hand are very sore now) i'm doing it as a nice little "fuck you, i'll show you" kind of gesture. of course he knows me all too well and i think he said that on purpose...sneeky butt!! he came home a day later than he was supposed to because the air conditioner in his truck craped out and smoke was billowing from under the hood. he took it in to get repaired and had to stay the night in charlotte. he drove it to the truck stop close by and we picked him up around lunch time on friday. we got to have him until wednesday morning so that was nice. anyhoo, i'm in pain so i'm going ot end this lovely post here...take care and i'll be back tomorrow for more ramblings. until then...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Wow!! This Is A Long One!!!!

Aaaaahhhhhh.... Much better!! I returned home from a much needed visit with my parents on Sunday. I really enjoyed myself. I actually went out to the bars the two weekends I was there!! I felt so young!! I got to hear some really good live music and drink some really good, yet expensive beer too!! I had forgotten how much drinking in a bar costs!! Yipes. I don't like to throw Geof on folks so I waited until he was asleep before going out for the evening. I got to hang out with old friends that I hadn't seen in ages. It was very nice. I even got to play my bass again!! I can't remember the last time I played before that. One night I took Geof with me to a friends house and he got to play all kinds of noisy, piano, tambourine, drums. He had a ball. I was so inspired I brought my bass and amp, acoustic guitar, and didgeridoo home with me!! They'd been at my parents house since I left. Every night Geof and I have a little jam session of our own. We have a blast, too!

Our garden really flourished while we were away. I came home and picked a dozen ears of corn and some tomatoes. Yesterday I froze all the corn, washed the dishes, and clothes all before noon. That is a real accomplishment for me!! I really wish I had a digital camera so I could share a picture of our sunflowers!! They are absolutely outstanding as well as the glads. Earlier this spring Nathaniel transplanted a bunch of mums to the front yard along the front of the porch. At first they all looked sickly but now they are huge and bushy. I'm really looking forward to this fall when they're all a-bloom.

My friend's mom called to offer us a bedroom suite that she no longer needs. I said I'd take it!! I've been sleeping on what is supposed to be a couch for over 3 years now. Granted it's a futon, but not a very comfortable one. It's much better suited to live as a couch. I think it will probably head to the dump though. The boards are cracked and held together with a million screws, the mattress is a biohazard, and I doubt anyone would want it. It was given to Nathaniel by a friend in his fraternity house. That says it all right bed has lived in a fraternity house!! I've been in said fraternity house...ewww! There's been beer spilled all over it and god knows what else. I think the best thing to so is torch it!! Now I just have to figure out how to rearrange my bedroom to accommodate the other two pieces.

Do you hear that noise? That steady ticking? That is my biological clock folks and it is driving me absolutely batty!! I think my body is ready for another child. In fact I know it, I'm ready physically and emotionally, but we're not ready financially. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything stupid like poking holes in all the condoms or getting Nathaniel drunk or clubbing him over the head so that I can drag him back to my lair and have my way with him. We've been down the Boulevard of Unexpected Pregnancy and what a bumpy, windy, rocky, hellacious road it was. I don't think we'd survive another trip. For now I'll just dream about babies and live vicariously through our friends.

Speaking of Nathaniel...he should be home sometime this evening...hopefully. It just depends on how late in the day he finishes. I think he's either in or was in Kentucky or Ohio and his last delivery is to be made today somewhere just south of Atlanta which will put him about 4-5 hours form home! I am so excited and Geof even more so. I can handle the 2 week runs no sweat. But something about the 3 week ones, geesh. By the end I'm almost sick with loneliness. It's not that I'm jonesing for some lovin, I just miss his presence. I like to wait a couple days longer than usual after he leaves to do the laundry just so I have the "surprise" of finding some of his clothes in there. Sometimes I'll sniff his cologne. It's like that Axe commercial where the boyfriend is acting like a dork then he comes up to his girlfriend and she smells his cologne and she's suddenly reminded of all the good times and everything's all good again. I even start to miss his scent. Not his cologne scent but the scent that is unique to him. Damn those pheromones!! I guess that's all part of loving love everything about them. I'm reminded of our first kiss....but this post is long enough and I'll tell the tale another time...if I remember.

Take care and take time to hug the people you love!
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